ZAFARNAMAH ਜ਼ਫ਼ਰਨਾਮਾਹੑ ظفرنامه - SATINDER SARTAAJ (Persian/Punjabi)-Recorded 1st Time in the History
The rulers transformed from having a friendly admiration during the time of the 3rd Nanak ~ Guru Amar Das, to being suspicious during the time of Guru Ram Das, then executing the 5th Nanak ~ Guru Arjun Dev.
A reminder for us to establish a relationship with the Guru ~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
What’s the use of reasoning, intellectualism, reading Gurbani and listening to its recitations if it does not usher one in Viveka-Budhi, Total Spiritual Wisdom, Virtues or Dharma?
Colors are one of the most beautiful aspects of the physical realm
Love letters - The Bani of Shabad Hazaray & Its Powers