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PunjabiAlpha (22K)As a college student studying Computer Science, I wanted to challenge myself by putting my skills to the test.

Thus, during my winter vacation off from school, I decided to utilize the time to use my basic skills in coding to learn a iOS development. In other words, I wanted to create mobile applications for the iPhone. While surfing the Apple App Store, I saw there was a lack of free ways to learn Punjabi.

Thus, I spent day and night throughout my winter vacation to create my first iOS application. As a Sikh youth, I knew I had to develop the application with the simplicity that a young child could use the app and benefit from it.

Hence, Punjabi Alpha is designed by the youth, for the youth. Punjabi Alpha is a simple iOS application compatible on both iPhone’s and iPad’s that helps a person recognize the Punjabi alphabet sounds. By clicking on the letters, one can hear the Punjabi sound it makes as well as see the English pronunciation.

As our current and upcoming generations will become more and more technology friendly, I wanted to attract the mobile industry. I have seen my young two and four year old cousins using iPhone’s and iPad’s like they are toys thus, I wanted to make a child’s life beneficial while using mobile devices and tablets. More information about the application is available at punjabialpha.com.

Currently the application only supports iOS and is available for FREE on the Apple App Store by searching “Punjabi Alpha” or by visiting https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/app/punjabi-alpha/id1071946685?mt=8.

Any questions on concerns feel free to message [email protected] or directly contacting Paramjot Singh Bhatia ([email protected])

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