There are so many benefits to spreading the basic principles of Sikhi in our communities
Gurdwara. The gateway to the Guru. A holy and spiritual place where one can attain peace and tranquility and a connection to the divine. . . .right?
I stood in awe, mesmerized at the sight of Guru Ji's birthplace...
I had a strong desire to go on pilgrimage to the place of which I had often dreamt...
Do I need to remind you the kind of effect our words have on the people we are using them against?
It is astonishing how widespread the problem is. One estimate says that more than two-thirds of Punjab's households have at least one addict in the family.
Eternal are the lives lived for others. Eternal are the lives that served others. Eternal are the lives that touched others. Eternal are the lives lived with immaculate and unconditional love.
I am starting a new project and it’s your choice if you want to join or not.
As your allies, we promise to do everything that we can to stand up for your rights and to ensure that you are treated with the dignity and respect that you deserve.
God is far vaster than our mind and we rarely see the hidden patterns of God’s will.