As I bowed I was in awe and humbled at the presence I felt of the 10th Master
Do you have questions you’d like a few perspectives on?
Keep in mind that a newborn is labeled a Sikh just as an oldster with one foot in the grave; there is no age limit to the student
With so many Sikhs continuing the tradition of active involvement in Canada I am sure we will continue to see a bright future for Sikh Canadians nationwide.
My journey as an immigrant has allowed me to accomplish things I could never have even imagined had I stayed in India. I worked very hard and became co-founder and president of a cybersecurity startup.
Guru the emancipator. Guru the mediator. Guru the gracious. Guru the liberator.
Several years ago this event was very confusing to me. 1.) A Hindu festival and an event in Sikh history seemed to coincide exactly which was a bit baffling to me for it to be just a coincidence.
It was a 'permission' word— a warm-up to a request, an apology for interrupting, a shy knock on a door before asking “Can I get something I need from you?”