He is the backbone
Of my life, a pillar
Withstanding the storms
Of life

My Dad, who stands there
Taking on the rocks
To make sure he protects
From the shocks
Of life...

My connector to the Guru
For he says to me
"I am just a wordly father"
"Your real caretaker
Your constant protector
Is our Guru
Guru Gobind Singh
Who will take care of you now
And hereafter"...

I look up at my dad
I see the glow of love
The beauty of a saint
A blessing
To have my dad
In my life, for he paints
Every one with the color
Of the Guru's love
The Guru has blessed me
With a dad like him

His love, unconditional
His faith, unwavering....
His sacrifices
Done without hope of favoring...

I want to constantly thank    Waheguru
For bringing dad into my life
The molder of my dreams
The architect
Who built a path to the Guru
For me to walk on....

I am forever indebted
To my first teacher
My first preacher
My dad
Who linked me on this earth
To the divine light

Let me cherish every moment
I have with with my dad
Let us do 'sangat' and listen to
For these are the moments that will sink in my soul
In gratitude to Waheguru, I cry
   in awe
Thank you, Waheguru,
I am blessed... I am blessed...

Vaninder(Lovey) Kaur

Image based on book cover titled: 50 Things I Learned From My Father by Leighton Brown ~

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