
1. Can you briefly tell us about NASMDA?  

North American Sikh Medical and Dental Association (NASMDA) is the oldest and largest Sikh healthcare professional organization in North America. NASMDA’s network of Sikh medical and dental professionals serve as a resource through a variety of activities that serve the broader Sikh community.

2. What are the main goals of NASMDA?  

NASMDA’s vision is to fund and expand programs to make a difference. Sikh general practitioners and specialists thus have an avenue to voice their contributions, and their expertise will be accessible to immediate communities around the world. 

NASMDA’s goals based on the bylaws: 

1. To promote Sikh physicians and dentists globally as well as medical and dental institutions in other parts of the world 
2. To support brilliant and deserving Sikh professionals pursuing healthcare careers 
3. To foster long-term associations and friendships with members 
4. To improve the delivery of service and overall healthcare quality globally 
5. To create awareness, generate interest and guide the younger generations of healthcare professionals and allow for adequate post graduate training in specific fields 

NASMDA will coordinate and host annual meetings with members creating an organized forum to exchange information, discuss policies, educate on areas of expertise, establish future course of action, etc.

3. How many Sikh healthcare professionals are associated with your organization? 

With over 1000 registered members in the United States and Canada, NASMDA is creating a community of Sikh healthcare expertise. These individuals are not only connected by their strong faith in Sikhism, but also through their commitment and dedication. Any Sikh medical professional is welcome to join NASMDA by subscribing to the email list

4. What are the contributions of NASMDA to the Sikh community and other communities around the world? 

  • NASMDA has created a network of Sikh doctors from various specialties that allow for sharing of vital information 
  • NASMDA members have led mission trips to Punjab and other locations to provide services and expertise to local doctors 
  • NASMDA provided technical support and expertise to Guru Nanak Mission Hospital in Dhahan Kalera, Punjab where several members have established programs and improved care delivery 
  • NASMDA has helped Sikh medical students and residents (trainees) from around the globe attain residency positions and educational opportunities 
  • NASMDA provides mentorship and career development opportunities for young faculty.

5. What role is NASMDA playing during this global pandemic? What are the most recent NASMDA contributions regarding COVID-19?  

  1. A number of NASMDA members serve on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19. 
  2. NASMDA has been actively responding to the community’s questions related to broader issues of pandemic containment (e.g., social distancing, driver safety, stopping the spread, dealing with anxiety) and placing these in a cultural context.
  3. NASMDA members have been directly helping to translate documents from organizations such as the CDC into Punjabi resources for Sikh communities and institutions. 
  4. Providing awareness within and outside the Sikh community as clinical experts, and raising awareness of Sikh-related issues such as how to properly address issues related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for its members and community. 
  5. As new knowledge and information is gained about COVID-19, NASMDA has been developing content and educating in a timely fashion. 


Find NASMDA on instagram: @NASMDA and on  YouTube here

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