The Granth Sahib became ‘Guru’ Granth Sahib, the teachings would now have a special foothold on earth. We believe Guru Gobind Singh when he said, ‘Jo Prabh Ko Milbo Chahai, Khoj Shabd Mai Lai’ “Those who want to meet God, search in the Words of the Guru Granth.”
We believe that the Guru Granth has a powerful spiritual presence wherever it is kept and that it can guide us and give us spiritual and personal counsel. Many are the stories of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji talking very personally and directly to us. Countless are the miracles of the modern world enacted by the grace of our Profound Guru. Our Guru is immortal and constant... beyond personality… perfect. We believe so strongly in the greatness of our Guru, we call It ‘SIRI’ Guru Granth Sahib Ji! In this age we have a leader above all leaders.
Today is the anniversary of the day the Guruship, the ‘Guru Gaddi’, was passed to the Granth Sahib. Today is the anniversary of the day in history that the world would never again be the same. Today is the day that humanity was respected with the honor of having a Siri Guru, a Guru who is beyond the human body. We have been given an honor that is difficult to fathom. Let us do our best to serve the Guru and pray for the good will of all beings. May everyone on this planet be blessed.
We know with deep trust that Guru Ji is healing our souls and managing our journey through this life with great care.
Whenever we don’t know the answer, whenever we feel alone, whenever we feel stuck or depressed, Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji can give us guidance. We are blessed to have the presence of such a Guru. As we bow our heads today let all our hearts be filled with gratitude for this priceless gift.