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Sikhism does not claim to be the only path to God, instead it's the opposite! Such claims invariably end in confrontations with losers and winners! They produce lot's of anger and intolerance. Sikhism preaches that exclusivity is the most damaging feature of any religion!!!It advises that we:

“Should not call any religion inferior or false” (SGGS pg.1350) and thus: “give rise to controversies.”(SGGS pg. 566)

The Gurbani demonstrated the need for complete freedom of choice in matters dealing with religion and spirituality. The Sikh Gurus believed in giving the individual complete freedom to choose his spiritual path. They believed that there should be no compulsion or force used when an individual makes this choice. Most of the disciples of the Gurus became their followers after listening to the Gurus' sermons and then voluntarily following the guidance provided by the Gurus. The guru's made no promises of heaven or paradise to entice these Sikh's to follow the path of Dharma. The disciples were not told that because they were Sikh's and followers of the Gurus, only they would be welcomed by God! The Guru made it clear that only by following the path of truth and by undertaking righteous actions can one become dear to the Lord thus:

"One who practices truth, righteous living, charity and good deeds, has the supplies for God's Path. Worldly success shall not fail him." (SGGS Pg.743)

Sikhs believe that there is only one God in the Universe and that He is the same God for all religions and all the peoples of the world; that ones soul goes through a cycle of births and deaths; that the ultimate goal of these many lives is to merge with God by maintaining a balance of spiritual and temporal obligations; that the true path to God is not one of renunciation of the world but rather a life of devotion as a householder, earning an honest living while avoiding temptations and sin; that all people of all races and sex are equal in the eyes of God; that there is total equality between man and woman and women can participate in any religious function and lead the congregation in prayer.

"All are Yours, and You belong to all. You are the wealth of all. Everyone begs from You, and all offer prayers to You each day. Those, unto whom You give, receive everything. You are far away from some, and You are close to others." (SGGS pg.86)

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