Basics of Sikhi (Jagraj Singh) Interviews Arno Michaelis, author of "My Life after Hate". 

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Arno was deeply involved with racist skinhead organizations, a reverend of a self-declared Racial Holy War, and lead singer of the hate-metal band 'Centurion'. Single parenthood, love for his daughter, and the forgiveness shown by people he once hated all helped to turn his life around, bringing him to embrace diversity and practice gratitude for all life. Today he is a speaker, author of "My Life After Hate", and very fortunate to be able to share an ongoing process of character development working with Serve 2 Unite.

In the video Arno likens himself to Wade Michael Page. "I was a founding member of the same group Wade Page belonged to... In many ways I used to be the man that he was, literally." 

Now Arno declares, "I love Sikhs. I love Sikhs, seriously. I love that you are doing the basics of Sikhi because what we teach in Serve 2 Unite is the idea of service to others, the idea that we are one, the idea of chardi kala."



Here is another quick video of Arno Michaelis. After the Oak Creek massacre, Pardeep Singh Kaleka (son of former Gurdwara president Satwant Singh Kaleka who was killed) reached out to Serve 2 Unite. From there, he became friends with Arno. Serve 2 Unite was started after the Oak Creek massacre inspired by the principles of Seva, and Chardi Kala. According to their website: 

"In the wake of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting on August 5th, 2012, Serve 2 Unite emerged in a spirit of defiance. The hate behind the murders was met with an ongoing practice of fearless, creative, compassion. Rooted in the Sikh principle of service to others, and relentless optimism in the face of adversity, Serve 2 Unite today engages young people of all backgrounds to value humanity and the aspiration of living a genuine, honest life as a peacemaker."




Bhai Jagraj Singh (BoS)

Bhai Jagraj Singh (BoS)

CEO and founder of Basics of Sikh Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji is known for his innovative “Street Parchar”. Through his prolific online presence, starting in 2012, several initiatives to raise awareness of Sikhi have sprouted and inspired uncountable many throughout the world.

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