Published on Mar 1, 2017

This video series is for the kids and their parents…. It Helps you figure out whats happening with you and what you can do to handle this stress well. So let’s begin with a quick Stress test for you

  • DO you notice changes in your sleep pattern or appetite… I remember munching all night during my exams..
  • Do your muscles feel more tense, head more dizzy, frequent illness, fever, nausea, diarrhea & lot of bodily symptoms
  • Do you feel anxious, fearful, worrying a lot, what will happen tomorrow, will I be able to do it, what if I don’t get A+ grade
  • Do you have thoughts of failure, running yourself down, I won’t be able to doit, it’s too hard, not my cup of tea
  • Do you get easily distracted, leaving things for later, avoiding certain subjects, Maths phew forget it, Carbon & it’s elements, don’t make sense.., Modern History, later maybe…

If you said YES to most of these indicators, exams are not bringing the best out of you. Maybe exams are becoming a dreadful experience for you and maybe you are finding it hard to appreciate the purpose of these exams in your life. But remember, you are not alone… Most of us have experienced this in our life. We all go through this phase, We all go on to hate exams, If made the principal for one day, we all want to end these exams, forever.

But have you ever asked yourself, why are exams so stressful, what causes so much pressure. Stress does not come from the exam… Yes, exams are not the culprit. It is our thoughts around these exams that are the real devils.

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Click here for part 2

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