SikhsPAC has endorsed passage of a comprehensive Hate Crime Law for Indiana in 2018.
The lifelong human rights activist has been on hunger strike to draw attention to Sikh political prisoners in India
Introducing the All NEW Gurbani Media Center App for iOS!
“Once you start doing this SEWA, you realize how blessed we are, that we have food on our tables at home. Many of these homeless or needy people bring their family and kids along with them who otherwise may not be able to afford a hot traditional meal and holiday celebration. People from many other faiths also joined in this volunteer service,"
Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago kept up its tradition of participating in the McDonald's Thanksgiving Parade
This year for #GivingTuesday SikhNet has a special gift for our SikhNet family. We hand-picked our new Gurbani Media Center tracks to create two special playlists for you: One playlist of Traditional Gurbani Kirtan Favorites and a second hand-picked list of Western Style Favorites. All the tracks are downloadable if you wish to add them to your own Kirtan library. Listen and share with those you love. The entire SikhNet Team sends you much love and the blessings of our Sangat. Happy #GivingTuesday!
All the functionality of the SikhNet Radio app is now available in the SikhNet Gurbani Media Center app
Pritpal Kaur interviews John Camardella who teaches a pioneering World Religions course at Prospect High School
"To care about people beyond just yourself or maybe your family, it takes an act of love to understand there's this connection," Singh said at the time. "Love really inspires what I do. Love requires an action."