Relate the pervasive and destructive nature of racial discrimination and bias in America
What's begun now is a movement. The young generation has decided to finally start talking,...
Manika Kaur has created a new video entitled 'Pray Together', with the aim of encouraging families around the world to recite the Mool mantra together.
With Gurus Grace, IM 1313 have now completed the first of a series of books and animations around a family that they have been developing called 'The Khalsa Family.'
Those who consider themselves as being the elite, privileged, because of the color of the skin and perpetuate discrimination will do well to answer the question posed by Kabir to the so called elites of his times in Banaras in these words:
Prime Time airing of Guru Nanak : Life & Legacy
We were in it together, just as we had promised. There was no going back now.
“UNITED SIKHS was the first human rights organization to reach out to Sikh Caucus.”
SAF actively in forefronts of Seva in the Sikligar communities during lock-downs