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Introduction to the short stories

The short stories are a collection of stories taken from the Aadh Guru Granth Bhagat Mala, which have been translated into simple English. The purpose of translating these stories is to provide understanding and the significance of these stories when reciting Gurbaani.

The Sikh Gurus and other Bhagats within Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji have made references to the various saints and disciples who existed at the time of the Hindu deities. By no means are these stories a form of praise or worship of the Hindu deities, but they are used as a reference to purely develop the meaning of Gurbaani.

The stories taken from Hindu mythology provide examples from the lives of the disciples and saints as parallels to understand the power and greatness of the One Lord, the righteous practise of faith and Dharma and how one is emancipated from sin and misfortune through meditating upon the Primal Lord.

~ Harjinder Singh Khalsa

The Story of Ajraja

Sadhus (55K)Raja Aj was the father of Dasrat (father of Ram Chandar) and was the grandfather of Ram Chandar. He purposely donated horse manure to a Sadhu because at this time, Sadhus' would go round begging from people and Raja Aj would get annoyed at their constant begging.

Whenever the Sadhu came to the Raja, he would always give the Sadhu horse manure out of anger. Raja Aj hated the fact that Sadhus' came begging and felt that they did not deserve anything.

The Sadhu was angered by this and cursed the Raja. It is said that the manure that the Raja donated, Raja Aj was made to eat it and he cried and wept. Guru Nanak Dev Ji refers to this story in His Baani (Raag Prabhatee) as an example of how treating saintly people wrongly will ultimately lead to circumstances that Raja Aj faced.

'Ajai S Rovai Bheekiaa Khaae. Aisee Dargai Milai Sajai.'

'Ajai cried and wept, when he was to eat the manure he had given,
pretending it was charity.'

(Guru Nanak Dev Ji; GGSJ: Ang 953)


The Story of Akrur

'Oudho Akruur Bidar Gun Gaavai Surubaathum Jin Janiou.'

'Oudho, Akrur, Bidar sing the glorious praises of Guru Nanak,

who knows the Lord, the Soul of All.'

(Bhatt Kal; GGSJ: Ang 1389)


Akrur was the uncle of Raja Kans. Raja Kans was a self-centred person, who felt threatened by religious people. Akrur was the complete opposite to him; he was a person who practised dharma and righteousness.

Raja Kans heard that a deity's son, whose name was Krishna, was alive and he was now young and strong. He felt threatened and was scared that Krishna would come and kill him. He planned to call Krishna to his kingdom and have him killed. He did not realise that Krishna was a powerful deity, but saw him as a normal human being. Kans called Akrur to his palace and said, "I have heard that in Gokil, someone called Krishna is here. I have heard he is a brave and strong warrior. Bring him to me!"

On hearing this, Akrur became happy that he would be able to meet Krishna. He prayed that Krishna would abolish Raja Kans' ego. Akrur heard that Krishna was an incarnation of Vishnu. On his way he began to think about what he would say to Krishna, how he would greet Krishna. He was upset with himself that he was going to meet Krishna to ask him to challenge Raja Kans in a fight. He did not want Krishna to think badly of him.

Kans (25K)On arriving at the house of Krishna, Akrur fell at his feet and said, "You are the knower of all hearts. Please forgive me! Kans has arranged a fair. There will be contests between the strongest warriors and men. I have come to invite you to the fair."

Krishna became happy and he got his armour all ready. He made his way with Akrur and his friend, Balram. Krishna's army all got ready and made their way to the River Jamnu. The River Jamnu was deep. Krishna stepped on the River Jamnu and made the river shrink. It became so small that all the army were able to cross the river. After crossing the river, Akrur felt slight guilt that he played a part in bringing Krishna here. He was concerned that Krishna and his army would be killed.

A wrestling match was set between Krishna and Kans in the city, Mathra. Kans was killed and his father Ugarsain was removed from a prison that his son had sentenced him to out of egoism. Krishna returned the rightful kingdom back to Ugarsain. Ugarsain thanked Krishna and gave all his wealth to him. He became a great devotee of Krishna.

FlockedToKrishna (47K)On the other hand, although Kans was killed by Krishna, he had very loyal men. They kidnapped Kans' wife and blamed Akrur and told people that Akrur killed Kans. People began to blame Akrur and began to gossip about him. Akrur became so hurt by the comments people made about him that he left Mathra.

Akrur went to a village, where two women lived, Aman and Shanti; whoever stayed with these women used to die. Akrur stayed with these women, but nothing happened to him because he remained in full meditation upon the Lord. In the village Mathra, there was a new ruler, who brought pain and distress to many of the people's lives.

Thousands flocked to Krishna and asked him to bring back Akrur, for he will be able to help them. They asked for forgiveness and vowed that they will not slander the Lord's devotees anymore. Krishna agreed and bought Akrur back to Mathra. Akrur bought peace and harmony to the village, he taught the people of Mathra to remember the Lord in pain and peace and to stop slandering one another. Mathra became a very peaceful and holy place, where the Lord's name was chanted by all.


Related Articles:

Part I: Raja Ambrik

Part II: Bhagat Angra ji and Bhagat Bidar

Part III: Sri Dhru Bhagat & Sri Prahladh Bhagat ji

Part IV: The Story of Ajaamal

Part V: The Story of Bhagat Sudama

Part VI: The story of Gotam Muni & Ahalia

Part VII: The Story of Raja Janak

Part VIII: The Story of Raja Bali

Part IX: The Story of Ajraja-Akrur

Part X:The Story of Bhisham Pitaama 

Part XI: The Story of Chandar Hans

Part XII: The stories of Durbaasha Rishi and Gajinder (the Elephant)

Part XIII:The Stories of Kubija Maalan and Oudhar

Part XIV:The Story of Sarvan Bhagat

Part XV: The Story of Rishi Balmeek 

Part XVI: The Stories of Sankaadik and Rukmaangudh

Part XVII: The Story of Sukdev Muni

Part XVIII: Madhusudan Demon Destroyer

Part XIX: Mother Daraupti

Part XX: The Story of Ganika

Part XXI: Sulhi & Sulbi Khan's Evil Conspiracy

Part XXII: The Story Raja Hari Chand

Part XXIII: The Story of Kaesee Dainth

Part XXIV: The Story of Raagmaala

Harjinder Singh Khalsa

Harjinder Singh Khalsa

I have translated the stories from the Aadh Guru Granth Bhagat Maala into English & have worked on a number of other articles exploring Gurbaani, Sikh history and the Sikh Gurus. My mission is to spread and share the Divine Universal message contained within Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

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