Dear Sikh Sangat Ji,

Its been a while in coming: Street Parchar in French. Using our very popular "3 Facts Leaflet", we translated it into French, German and Spanish (more on way) and used the leaflet to make our first video purely in French.

When hearing about the Turban Ban in France and also the recent problems in Quebec, we felt it would be a good idea to spread awareness of Sikhi to the French speaking people of the world. We conducted some research and found that actually there were very few videos in French about Sikhi and those few that were there, were not getting ot the top of the search results in Youtube or Google.

The leaflet is available for free download from

Leaflet (149K)

BasicsLeaflet (83K)

Our "3 Facts leaflet" has proven very popular when we used it for Street Parchar in the UK and Canada. Given it is so handy to carry, we felt it was a ideal size for translation into different languages. So we're blessed to have sevadaars who helped to translate it into French, Spanish and German. The Italian, Polish and Russian versions are on the way.

Having translated it, we felt it was just a natural progression to actually to do Street Parchar in these languages to accompany the leaflet and hopefully encourage the Sikhs in those countries to spread awareness of Sikhi. This video is our first proper attempt to do this. We decided to put in the English subtitles so that those majority of Sikhs who do not speak French would also be able to watch the video.

One thing we realised is that French is not just spoken by those in France but also by the Canadians and many African nations. So by watching and sharing this video, you will be helping us to spread Guru's message all over the globe. This is our mission.

To support us further, please see

Guru Kirpa ji!

Basics of Sikhi team


Bhai Jagraj Singh (BoS)

Bhai Jagraj Singh (BoS)

CEO and founder of Basics of Sikh Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji is known for his innovative “Street Parchar”. Through his prolific online presence, starting in 2012, several initiatives to raise awareness of Sikhi have sprouted and inspired uncountable many throughout the world.

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