When we start believing in Guru Sahib’s bani the truth starts unfolding in front of our eyes and our faith becomes stronger. When we start living in faith then peace fills our mind and we start living in high spirits. Guru Sahib’s bani helps us to see the blessings in disguise in adverse situations and positivity fills our life. We get the strength to view our life forward and move with the flow of life.
Angels on the road. Benevolence on the road. Grace on the road. The road is unseen.
Ugly face of failure. Benevolent face of success. Evolving entities. When I look outside the window of my room
Hola Mohalla is celebrated at the birth place of Khalsa, Takht Shri Anandpur Sahib with religious ceremonies
Guru Sahib’s bani is my strength, my motivation and my inspiration.