“Let us form a partnership, and share our virtues; let us abandon our faults, and walk on the Path”. You can form a sangat with your partner, sibling, mother, father, friend etc. Let us find a person or two and form a partnership to become the best version of ourselves.
I am so grateful that I have got the opportunity to attend many Sikh camps here in Norway. I have learned a lot from them. I am going to share with you three things...
The answer I got that day is that God is fundamentally good. To be one with God, we have to be fundamentally good – that means we have to perform good actions. As Sikhs we are so fortunate that we...
As I realized that by my negative thinking nothing is going to change. What can I do instead of criticizing the other person? It is his/her life, I don’t have any control of their life.
There is so much hatred around us. Let us show the world light, through kindness. Let us practice to be kind. Here is a list of examples of how we can incorporate kindness into our daily lives.
A musician shared how she made her music and composed the texts to her songs. I tried to do the same, and till now I feel it’s working, so I want to share it with you.
Study, work, study, work, study, work. We have to reach our mission. We have to buy a new house. We have to earn enough money to establish a family. We have to read all these pages before the exam.
Sikhi talks about the chardikala concept. Being in a stable state. How can we be in a stable state when we are dependent on which button people around us are pressing? It’s logical that our state of mind will fluctate, when we depend on others.
My whole life I have heard that the soul continues to come and go until one’s soul gets assimilated with God. The body perishes, but the soul remains. Some time ago, however...
If I am so little, then why am I giving so much attention to myself? There are so many creatures in this world. Yet I am giving myself the most attention, acting like this is “mine” life, only concerned with my own happiness.