As a parent, if there’s anything I can do to reduce the risk for my family, I’m open to it and there’s no disagreement about the importance of washing our hands thoroughly with warm soapy water and social distancing if you are unwell.
My legs were so achy that I had to lay down with an electric blanket. I thought the pain was down to over training and too much running, but I started to feel worse and worse over the course of an hour.
Thankfully each year things have gotten better and better (gods grace).
Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury.
Pain is our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong, so we need to pay attention and do something different.
Intermittent fasting is a powerful and proven method for weight loss.
Turmeric (haldi) exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities