Answering question of how to deal with feelings of jealousy
This video addresses a question from a SikhNet user asking about the concept of "Jhoot", and not sharing food with non-amritdhari's. He was wondering why some Sikhs practice this.
Here at SikhNet we often get questions from users on all kinds of topics that normally people might be hesitant to talk about in person. Here is a video of me reading one such question to Guruka Singh. The topic of the video is about homosexuality and what that might mean to people who are Sikhs.
A SikhNet user asks the question about humility vs. being aggressive/strong.
How do you get over low-self esteem? Continuing answering questions from SikhNet users, Guruka Singh answers this question about self confidence and the causes of low self esteem.
What is the benefit of hair? Guruka Singh shares his thoughts about Hair and being aware of why you want to keep or not keep your hair (particularly in relation to being a Sikh). Either looking at it from scientific point of view...and experiential perspective or just because the Guru asked us to keep our hair uncut...
"You should not do it more than 3 minutes when you are working during the day, or you will become too rich. I am not joking. Doing it for 11 minutes a day is more than enough. Doing it too much will be greed. It stimulates the mind, the moon center, and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not make wealth" - Yogi Bhajan (Jun 21st 1996 )
Guruka Singh shares his unique perspective on what prosperity really is and how it is not really about having lots of money and then discusses the concept of Dasvand.
Nirinjan Kaur at Spirit Voyage's Spirit Fest 2010 event Singing to the Mul Mantra: Ik Ong Kar Sat Nam Karta Purkh, Nirbhau Nirvair, Akal Murat, Ajuni, Saibhang, Gurprasad. Jap. Ad Sach, Jugadh, Sach, Haibhee Sach, Nanak Hosee Bhee Such.
This video montage is to commemorate 4 years of sharing personal journey's, humor, action, drama, questions, answers, inspiration and more. This is in honor of the Sikh youth directors who spent their time, resources and creativity to make these original films.