It seems that many young Sikh girls don't have a visual role model. We chose to animate the Mai Bhago story, because she represents the Sikh ideals of bravery, spirituality, and equality. We also created a character named "Saibhang" to relate this example to a modern girl with her own social challenges.
Singh Sahib Guru Bachan Singh, who had recently returned from his amazing travels, is no stranger to seva. He serves anyone who enters into his house.
Learn how to set up your own Gurdwara in your home. We will show how to organize the items you will need and how to create a respectful place in your home for the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
[VIDEO] SikhNet is taking a leap forward this year, and one part of that is introducing more Health & Wellness content. Please enjoy our first video for this new section of SikhNet.
Ek Ong Kaar Kaur, interviews Gurumustuk Singh about the last 20 years and SikhNet’s plans for the future...
Today, on Human Rights Day, we share this documentary to show you how your support helps us document abuses on the ground.
Now, for her second release, I Bow To You Waheguru (United Sound; January 20, 2015), Kaur continues her spiritually rich journey.
The theme of this song is religious bigotry - something that I, and many others, have experienced as Sikh Americans.
This time of year I get to talk to you personally and that means a lot to me.
Who was Guru Nanak? Why did he set up a new religion? Who made him Guru? Why do Sikhs follow him? What was his mission?