“We are very thankful to them for being so thoughtful and kind towards their Sikh brothers and sisters. This truly is a reflection of the deep seated human values among various communities across the border. This shows that common people have nothing but love for each other contrary to the common held opinion and how it is portrayed in the media.”
News: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Supports Sikhs
News: Being Sikh in the Black Community
News: Dr. Amarjit Singh Marwah, Campaign Manager for the first Sikh Congressman
News: New SikhNet Animation: 'Going Blind'
Video: SikhNet Answers "Should I Only Spend Time with 'Pure' People?
"I was hoping that you would able to share some wisdom around the concept of 'sadh sangat'."
News: Happy Women's History Month (from a Sikh convert)
News: Sikhs In Children's Books
News: The Gurdwara Vs. The Church
First of all, I commend all the people who take care of the Gurdwaras on a daily basis. It isn't easy (especially living in the conditions some of ya'll do). But don't you think it would help a lot if the people taking care of the Gurdwara could not only speak Punjabi but the language of the local people?