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Onkardeep is one of the youngest people in the world of South Asian heritage to be awarded an MBE.

His drive and commitment for improving social cohesion in Britain over the last 15 years has helped create strong relationships between people from all communities across the UK. As a result he has been the very first Sikh speaker invited to speak at the largest yearly faith based events in UK such as Limmud (Jewish), Living Islam and Greenbelt (Christian).

His passion for building a stronger Britain through grassroots community cohesion led to him becoming in 2010 a Founding Member of City Sikhs, which is the largest network of Sikh professionals in the UK. His groundbreaking interfaith work has been purely voluntary and he has resourcefully used his skills as a design and technology professional to benefit a variety of communities and voluntary organisations by developing websites and branding for them.

He is also part of the consultative committee for leading interfaith charity Three Faiths Forum; Director of Equal International, a charity improving pre-school education in India; and a supporter of HWPL, an international world peace charity.

When not active in charity work, Onkardeep has his own design and technology company and provides design services for a variety of clients.

Jasvir Singh OBE, Chair of City Sikhs, said "I'm so proud to see Onkardeep getting recognised for his extensive interfaith work. He is a true role model for young people of all backgrounds, and his unwavering commitment to various community projects shows how each of us can have a positive impact in British society."

Onkardeep Singh MBE said “I am extremely humbled by the prestigious honour. It is a testament of the dedication and support of all those I have worked with on the various projects I have been involved in, and I hope it will inspire other young people to give back to society however they can.”

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For further information or quotes from City Sikhs or Onkardeep Singh, please email [email protected]

Jasvir Singh OBE City Sikhs Network

City Sikhs Network is an organisation run by British Sikhs to create positive change within Britain. Ours is an authentic voice of British Sikhs."

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