"One of the beautiful things about Sikhi is that we can interpret things differently. when I look at the concept of Khalsa, I think it means someone who is sovereign.  So "Khalsa Raj" is the reign or the rule of sovereignty. I look at things through the lens of Sikhi, so I approach Khalsa Raj from Miri Piri. We want sovereignty in our physical lives as well as our spiritual lives. Practically what this means is that we strive to have a society with freedoms. That means things like freedom of thought and freedom of expression, to things like people having the right to food, shelter, and clothing. That is the physical side of it. On the spiritual side, a state of Khalsa/sovereignty would be to achieve a state of Mukti, a state of enlightenment. This is to achieve freedom from our ego and the internal things that hold is down. I think that all human beings are entitled to a state of sovereignty and freedom.  

"Some of the things we can do to work towards this in our lives. I think the answer is leadership. We often see people waiting for someone to save them. Someone else to come up with the answer. Guru Gobind Singh gave us a lesson on leadership. Instead of Guru ji just giving Amrit to everybody, he created the Panj Piarey who could then give Amrit. Guru Gobind Singh created a concept of leadership being in the community rather than just with one person. He created 5 leaders who could each go and create 5 more. The beauty in Sikhi is that we are all leaders. In my job as a politician I try to increase leadership in the community. And rather than trying to get people to follow me, I try to empower people to guide themselves, and to guide the community and to create more leadership. I'm guided by the principle of going from being a good leader to being a great one. Here is a quote I always look to, "A good leader will inspire you with ideas, but a great leader will inspire you by creating new leaders". This is what i try to do. I want to create leaders who will take things on including the environment, social justice and whatever other areas there are, and doing this on every scale from locally to nationally, to globally. Khalsa Raj will be spreading leaders that make changes across the world politically and economically. We can create this through hubs where we start this spark, and the spark will grow and create a world wide movement of leadership based on the principles of justice and equality that are founded in Sikhi. One day we will achieve a Khalsa Raj where all people enjoy sovereignty and equality. Each and every one of us has that spark, that jot. It's up to each of us. It's up to you to become a leader in your community and make that change. You can do it yourself. It comes through the Guru, but start with yourself. "

- Jagmeet Singh

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