Gurfateh, ji!

It is a little awkward to admit this, but to be honest less than 1% of people who regularly use SikhNet give. We know there are many reasons why they might simply look away, but we turn to you in the hope that you will show up for Sikhnet!

If every person who uses SikhNet gave a small amount today, our fundraiser would be over - today! But many people won't or can't give. We have no choice but to ask if you will please make a donation to ensure that SikhNet thrives another year.

We're a non-profit. That means we aren't constantly trying to sell you something. We don't profit when you are listening to the Gurbani Media Center, reading news stories, digging around in SikhiWiki, and watching inspirations videos. In fact, we strongly believe that Sikhi knowledge should never be about money for services. But that's rarely the case nowadays; profit has overtaken most of the internet, so many sites we rely on are all about making money, and often this is at the expense of our privacy.

SikhNet is not up for sale, we are not looking for giant corporations or big advertisers to back us. SikhNet belongs to YOU. You are our family, our sangat. You are the reason we are here. The fate of SikhNet rests in your hands and we won't have it any other way.

It's you who safeguards our non-profit mission to provide access to Guruji’s word, and to all things Sikhi. You help us maintain our integrity, quality, and accessibility. And today, you have the power to keep SikhNet that way.

So I am asking YOU: can we count on you to show your solidarity with a donation of $31 to SikhNet? (or whatever you can afford)

Will you take a moment right now to support SikhNet?

Darshan Kaur | Development Director

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Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Founder & Former CEO - The oldest & largest Sikh web service & organization serving over 7 millions users from around the world

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