Baalmeek realised what the Rishis' had explained to him was exactly true. Not even family, the closet people will be able to help you when it comes to the time when you have to leave this world.
The way, in which Sarvan served his parents and took care of them, he is revered as the most obedient and dutiful son every parent desires. In his Kabit, Bhai Gurdas Ji likens the unconditional service and devotion of Sarvan Kumar to his parents to the devotion a Sikh has for the Guru.
The next in the series of Bhagat Maalaa are the stories of Kubija Maalan and Oudhar.
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj states within his Gurbaani that the elephant remembered the Lord and in an instance the Lord saved the elephant. Guru Ji explains that this...
"Fine, kill me! I cannot hold your hand but at least let me meditate upon the Lord before you kill me, so that if you do kill me I can at least be emancipated by the Lord."
Bhisham Pitama, the son of the Ganges, meditated on that Naam; his consciousness delighted in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Feet.
Akrur taught the people of Mathra to remember the Lord in pain and peace and to stop slandering one another. Mathra became a very peaceful and holy place, where the Lord's name was chanted by all.
This is the story of Raja Bali as written by Bhai Gurdas Ji. "Immediately priest Sukracharya made the king (Bali) understand that he (the beggar) is undeceivable God and He had came to delude him..."
This is the story of Raja Janak as written by Bhai Gurdas Ji.
"O Lord, this is a playful thing you have done. You kept me with you for so long and all this time you knew what I came for. Thank You Krishna!"