Diabetes and Soft Drinks and Much More

Podcast (1K)

Pregnancy (26K)My New Healthy Living Shop

I start out this podcast reminding all my listeners that my new online Healthy Living Shop is open. For the time being, all new customers will receive a 10% discount if they use the code VPP10FT.

I am so happy that I am able to provide to all my readers and listeners the same physician – quality supplements that I have used for so many years in my practice. These supplements are much higher quality than is what available in health food stores and drugstores.

To make things easy I have started out making available several “ESSENTIALS Kits”. There is an Essentials Kit for men, women and for children. In addition I have several kits for specific health problems and also seasonal problems.

Please check out my new shop at:

Dr Soram’s Complementrix Healthy Living Shop

Breast Cancer

In this show, I start out talking about the new article in the New York Times Magazine entitled Our Feel – Good War on Breast Cancer, written by Peggy Orenstein. This article is a very comprehensive look at our current state of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. She discusses the very hot topic on just how many mammograms does a woman need? And just how young of age should girls be encouraged to do self-examination of their breasts?

This article is an excellent review of the pros and cons of our current system for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

Of course as I point out on the podcast I believe much more money should be focused on PREVENTION of breast cancer, not just treatment. After all, after a woman has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has surgery and if necessary chemotherapy and radiation, she is back in prevention mode. We must look at some of the underlying contributors to this breast cancer epidemic.

Many of you know I’ve spoken of some of these in previous podcasts. This includes keeping women’s vitamin D level up and having women avoid exposure to phthalates, in their cosmetics.

Integrative Medicine Update

1. In the first article, I talk about how experiments are showing that the nutrients in berries are protective to the brain. Specifically most of my patients are worried about Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. These diseases have shown an increased amount of toxic protein. Berries are able to promote the brain’s natural housekeeping mechanism thereby reducing the toxic accumulation.

2. One soda a day can increase diabetes risk by 22%. This study was done in Europe and it confirms what has been found in America. The authors found that just consuming one 12 ounce serving of sugar sweetened soft drink each day raise the likelihood of developing type II diabetes by 22%.

3. A new study has shown that alternative therapies may help lower blood pressure. This is exciting news because it was published in the journal Hypertension, which is published by the American Heart Association. They looked at three types of exercise – aerobic, resistance or weight training, and isometric exercises most commonly handgrip devices.

They found that all three types of exercise reduce blood pressure. Four weeks of isometric handgrip exercises resulted in the most impressive improvements – a 10% drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

They did not look at herbs or supplements. In my own practice, I find herbs and supplements can be very helpful in dropping people’s blood pressure to normal.

4. Another study has confirmed what environmental doctors have been quite concerned about and that is the effects of pesticide exposure on reproduction and how this exposure can span generations. This study supported the theory that exposure to some environmental chemicals during sensitive periods of development can cause significant health problems for those organisms later in life – and affect their offspring and possibly their offspring’s offspring.

This is just another reason for women to go on a cleansing program before they conceive and to stay clean while they are carrying their new fetus.

5. Does cracking knuckles or joints cause arthritis? This is a long been asked question and this study shows that it does NOT cause an increase in osteoarthritis. However, other researchers shown that people who cracked their knuckles, were more likely to have hand swelling and lower grip strength.

Interview with Lyn Patrick, N.D. Part 3

In the concluding part of my interview with Lyn Patrick ND, we talk about safe blood Mercury levels for pregnancy. I express my recommendation that there is zero tolerance for any Mercury during pregnancy as it is damaging to the fetus’s nervous system. The EPA has recommended blood levels below 5.8 mcg/L for Mercury.

Dr. Patrick also points out to check your chlorella, if you are eating it, to make sure that it is heavy metal free.

We talk about the benefits of low-temperature medical saunas. Specifically I can recommend Saunaray.

If you mention my name they will give you some extra “goodies” with your purchase. I personally think they make the best and least toxic sauna that is available today. It comes with excellent support. In addition it comes from Canada and therefore is not subject to any sales tax.

By way of full disclosure I do have an affiliate agreement with them.

Dr. Patrick specifically says that we can find doctors who are experienced with detoxification by contacting The American College for the Advancement of Medicine or The American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

Lyn Patrick’s website is here

Your Questions Answered

In this podcast I answer questions on the following:

  • Chronically dry skin.
  • A young woman with Sjogren’s syndrome and how she should prepare for pregnancy.
  • A woman with toenail fungus for many years.

I hope you’re enjoying my podcast. If you are, please do rate me on iTunes! In addition remember to follow me on Twitter and to Like me on Facebook.

With best wishes to your health,

Dr. Soram


Dr. Soram Singh Khalsa, M.D.

Dr. Soram Singh Khalsa, M.D.

Dr. Soram Khalsa is an internist in Beverly Hills, California and is affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. He specializes in Internal Medicine and Integrative Medicine combining diet, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition.

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