Perfect-Hdr (7K)The perfect moment

Posted (2K)

Prepared through self-effort, as observers we need to be able to spot and leverage positive situations being created around us. This is the principle for attaining positive growth in any aspect of life.

With this mindset, before dawn we positioned ourselves at a vantage point to capture the spectacle to be created by the morning sun over the ocean of Buddhist temples in Bagan’s (Myanmar) landscape. As hot air balloons started rising, for me it was a mere act of awaiting for the perfect moment when alignments would happen with the temple tops. These photos were created through simple virtue of patience.

MG_7138s (88K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7168s (43K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7209s (50K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7173s (48K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7346s (45K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7337s (77K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7318s (38K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7290s (32K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7287s (30K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7282s (58K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7278s (58K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7239s (57K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

MG_7229s (54K)
Ballooning over Bagan, Myanmar

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