Logan-Hdg (16K)
      People Envision God as Plaything

Logan (120K)

Kabir Ji
, simply finds that sometimes a mark on forehead, a mala in hand or a particular color like 'Bhagva'- orange color clothes is a sign that people pretend to be pleasing Lord-God. He is crystal clear that such things are not required to please God.

He also says that some people envision God as their toy or plaything.

This bewilders me: In the modern age of communication and media that some still don't have the common sense to understand that God is everywhere in everything and they still decorate gods made of stone lavishly, when Kabir ji, 750 years ago shared this simple truth with people. Moreover his truth is even taught in middle school. People are very much stubborn creatures of habit.

Or are we Lakir de Fakir that most of us do not practice the simple, easy to comprehend, teachings of saints and gurus.

Balloons are used by kids for their play, fun or Fantasy, such as at a birthday party. A 16 year old will not use them on their birthday. And yet we often use balloons for celebrations of our Guru.

Kabir ji is crystal clear not to offer flowers to deity…..Read www.sikhnet.com/news/pause-you-pluck-flower But we ignore the messages of our Guru and are involved in decorating our floats with flowers and pictures.

I feel that we need to reinvent our Nagar Kirtan and day of Gurpurab celebrations. Other than mere traveling in lines, flashing headlights and sitting in cars or tractor trailers (especially in Punjab) using cheap decorations, no messages have been passed to the public on what is the actual purpose of Nagar Kirtan. We are wasting money on flowers, and time and energy to invite political guests for a photo opportunity.

Let us instead share our Guru and the teachings contained in the SGGS which is our real reason for celebration with others in public. Those teachings show exactly how we can transform negative into positive, corruption into purity and falsehood into truth. All elements necessary for our happy living and a good society.

Guru Granth teaches without deep, inner devotion to God, all things are vain formalities or rituals. The true offerings are one's own body, mind and service. (Kabir ji)

When these offerings are made, then helping all who need help, working for the betterment of communities, nations and the world and uplifting every situation in which one finds oneself become a natural and spontaneous way of living. One's entire life then becomes an offering.

Our Gurus lived in this way. All established and participated in Langer, but also Guru Nanak Dev Ji compiled Gurbani, Guru Angad Dev ji prepared the Gurmukhi Script, Gurus Amardas ji and Ramdas ji built complexes like Guru ka Chack (today known as Darbar Sahib) and founded other new cities; Guru Arjan dev ji established a system of wells so all could have pure water, compiled the 'Guru Granth' and gave his life up for the betterment of his community. Guru Teg Bahadar offered his life for survival of the Nation (to protect the Hindu religion.) We need to celebrate our Gurpurabs the way our Gurus wanted, not the way we celebrate our children's birthdays and weddings.

The present style of celebrations is a hodge podge. Let us reinvent and redesign programs to focus on sharing our Gurus teachings in action in everyday life.

Our 'Sikhya' is not the shallow show of ritualism we portray today. That limits us and will ultimately be our downfall. Sikhi is for all, rich, educated or common man. Limiting Sikhi will suffocate it - but sharing it with others will cause expansion and all will be blessed: Sarbat ka bhalla. Chardikala spirit can't be contained within the boundaries of a Gurudwara.

sbdu dIpku vrqY iqhu loie ] jo cwKY so inrmlu hoie ]
sabad deepak vartai tihu lo-ay. jo chaakhai so nirmal ho-ay.

The Word of the Shabad is a lamp, illuminating the three worlds.
One who tastes it, becomes immaculate. Ang 664

hy BweI! gurU dw Sbd (mwno) dIvw (hY, jo) swry sMswr ivc cwnx krdw hY[jyhVw mnu`K gurU dy Sbd ƒ c`Kdw hY, auh pivqR jIvn vwlw ho jWdw hY[ (gurU dy Sbd dI rwhIN) pivqR hir-nwm ivc (juV ky mnu`K Awpxy AMdroN) haumY dI mYl Do lYNdw hY[ sdw-iQr pRBU dI BgqI dI brkiq nwl (mnu`K dy AMdr) sdw Awqmk Awnμd bixAw rihMdw hY[

Sincere (31K) Sincere1 (33K)
An atmosphere of sincere depth is required for our mind, body to experience sacredness of all.

Facilitating education is best understood by the richest in the world today for the advancement of a person which leads to advancement of our community, country and continent so we may live happily now and in the future. Because of our lack of appropriate knowledge and education we are wearing tikka, offering 'zaroo,' salt, and flowers to dispel our pain and sorrows.

On Gurpurab days on the surface we create "atmosphere" with "kirtan" by specially invited ragis but there is no substance to be received for the soul in showing off and loud sounds. The soul requires subtle messages. For food we have plenty for eating in all varieties, but the true food which heals and nourishes our minds is not even opened. Nothing is discussed and shared about our Guru's philosophy which is embodied in his Bani.


Though Kabir ji taught simply and clearly, his message has not been received and understood. Today we fare no better from the lessons he taught. God is not our plaything.

Let us visualize life of a toy seller. He is blowing up a lot of balloons and playing with the toys he sells to show them off to kids to make them want his wares. But in the end he does not keep the toys for himself. Just like that, most religious institutions mostly perform rituals and show off using his Name to make money. Therefore religion has become a business today rather than a technology to transform and elevate yourself into a good human being who can live with responsibility and accountability.

CalenderPic (60K)The presidents of Gurdwaras, devoid of knowledge, are only adding to the rituals and showmanship by adding more decorations, pomp and show, every year. Our Bhai Sahibans have become 'paid caretakers' there only for the performing of rituals.

The energy spent printing 'Lakh lakh vadhaiyan' and Guru Ji's picture can be put to better use. If one short shabad was explained clearly in every local language and printed on this same paper, it would be a lot more useful. Then children would have something to read and understand: a message can transform a life.

Some people took this picture thinking it was a calendar. After seeing it was not, they did not know what to do with it and some abandoned it right there.

Sri-Guru-Granth-Sahib-Ji (65K)

Read the Guru Granth, one shabad at a time, yourself (It is available in Hindi, English, Spanish and French). The Guru Granth teaches delightful living. Good for today, better for tomorrow. Simply follow & practice it.

Let us focus on education, learning, developing ourselves and the daily practice of living in our sincerity and excellence as taught in Gurbani as Kabir ji is telling us to do.

ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਸਬਦਿ ਭਰੇ ਭੰਡਾਰਾ ॥ ਨਾਮ ਧਨ ਬਿਨੁ ਹੋਰ ਸਭ ਬਿਖੁ ਜਾਣੁ ॥
gur kai sabad bharay bhandaaraa. naam Dhan bin hor sabh bikh jaan.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is over-flowing with treasure. Know that, except for the wealth of the Name, all other wealth is poison. Ang 664

Jasbir Singh

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