Yesterday was a beautiful example of when families come together and learn and be creative. The students at KSA were outstanding with their performances on stage and they were joined by sangat from all over the area.

The young children were in awe of the year 7,8, and 9 students who worked very hard. The rap song sung by Devon and Amrit was greatly appreciated by all present and then we all watched the play by year 9 boys called Bhoomia Chor.

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It was a delight to see families appreciate our students and the younger audience were mesmerized by the efforts of the actors.

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Finally we had creative arts making Gutka covers and Chaur Sahibs as well as Christmas decorations. A very special thanks to Reena Kaur our sous chef catering staff and her family who then fed the whole sangat!

My heart felt gratitude to all those that attended the event there was a buzz and a vibe around the school that was very uplifting.

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Everyone went home with a bag of sweets and treats.

We can't wait to see you next month!!!


Navleen Kaur
[email protected]

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