Angad Singh has been making films since he was a teenager. Then he broke ground when he appeared as a presenter on a massively popular media channel called 'Vice News' in 2020 explaining about the farmer's protest. 

This recent video 'The Indiana FedEx Massacre Devastated Sikh-Americans' is about hate crimes against Sikhs in America. 

After detailing some shocking instances of historic racism Angad shares his perspective as a child who watched headlines after 9/11, "As a 2nd grader I realized that I was more scared of the poeple who claimed to love America than those who hijacked the planes. It felt like every other month I was reading headlines about someone's parents being killed at work, grandparents being beat up while taking a walk, or kids my age having thier turbans set on fire at school." 

He then conjectures about why Sikhs are disproportionately targeted in the the US, "If I had to guess it's because 60% of are clueless to who we are." 

What's great about this segment is it present the problem of the lack of Sikh awareness with very stark statistics and real life incidents and then offers the solution. Angad Singh goes on to explain Sikh lifestyle and teachings like: 
-One God
-Seva as a way to connect to Divine
-Gurdwaras open to all no matter their back ground
-Langar as a no strings attached free meal
-Uncut hair as acceptance of God's Will
-Turban as a crown

"Even though my turban makes me a target for hate in this country, it's my way of standing up for freedom. The freedom to choose who I am and what I believe in. And isn't defending freedom the most America thing you can do..." 

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