On the blissful occasion of
Guru Nanak's 555th Prakash Purab
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As this new year begins it represents new beginnings for many of us. We can all use this auspicious time to make changes in our lives and to  renew our existing commitments or make new ones. On New Year's Day many of us become more serious about our own life. We take stock and plan new courses of action to improve our lives. This is best seen in one of the most popular customs and the key to the meaning of New Year's: making resolutions.
New Years ResolutionEvery resolution you make on this day implies that you are in control of your self, that you are not a victim fated by circumstance, controlled by stars, or owned by luck, but that you are an individual who can make choices to change your life. On New Year's Day many people accept, often more implicitly than explicitly, that happiness comes from living your values. That is why you resolve to be healthier, to do your banis, to get up in the amrit vela. You want to enjoy that sense of purpose, accomplishment and happiness that one feels when living one's values.

Many members of our cybersangat have written to us to share their own personal experience of SikhNet. Here's some of what they had to say:
  • "Sikhnet has totally changed my life and understanding of Sikhi I am forever grateful to Wahaguru the this website. Thank you!!"
  • "I love the audio stories Sakheeya - to hear the events and the day to day things that happened in our Guru Ji's lives is like having some gold dust each time I read/hear them through SikhNet!"
  • "I'm Inspired by your positive Sikh Morale boosting news, articles and other activities."
  • "I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the service that Sikhnet provides. I am a newcomer to Sikhism and have only recently started my path to serving the Guru. Sikhnet provided me with answers that I could not have found anywhere else and helped me to feel 'at home.' I will be increasing my donation monthly as time goes on. Thank you again for this wonderful service."
  • "I must tell you of how inspirational you are on Sikhnet, for myself and my family! My Punjabi is a wee bit patchy, so what you give us 'hybrids' is a deeper connection to the Guruji. Thank you so much!!"
  • "SikhNet has immensely contributed to my life as a sikh. It is time that I give back. I have been a SikhNet freeloader for too long."

As this New Year dawns, all of us on the SikhNet Team encourage you to take this time to think about your own life and renew your own commitments. As you do this, won't you also make a commitment to support the Guru's work through SikhNet?

We are nearing the completion of our 2011-2012 annual fundraiser and striving to reach our goal of at least USD $200,000. Can you help us reach our goal? Every person counts. SikhNet is a not-for-profit enterprise and it is your ongoing support that enables us to keep operating and to provide new features and services to SikhNet users all over the world.

Thank you!

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$1,021 $521 $221 $161 $41 $21 $11 Other Amount

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