I believe the Panj is important. Yet believing is one thing, and experiencing is another. I feel I now understand better how important the Panja Piare
Not only did the Sikh community host an lunch for members for delicious vegetarian Indian food, but were honored to offer a prayer on the final day of meetings this last Friday.
ComicGirl19 has based her life on non-traditional story telling. Her experiences and perspectives might make you think more about what impact media like 'Chaar Sahibzaade' and SikhNet's 'KAUR' animation has on your children.
"I'm not religious, but Sikhism is definitely my favorite religion now. You guys are totally rad." Said one student who visited the gurdwara in Espanola New Mexico.
"What I would like to say in response to that is there was a military that cared a hell of a lot about uniform. They cared a hell of a lot that people looked the same. We defeated them in World Wars 1 and 2."
SikhNet got a chance to speak with the co-creator of the new Super Sikh Comic. This is a must read for anyone who is a comic fan or is interested in Sikh media.
If you told a regular secular American that the way to 100 million dollars was in this text, everyone would know Gurmukhi. People would be reading it as they commute to work, there would be blogs about it, online chats.
...I was a screenplay writer on the side, and he suggested that I consider making a Sikh character. My pension has always been for outside the box ideas...
I believe that most of Sikh history will never be known because it cannot be described in words just as most of the iceberg cannot be seen. Most of the Guru’s message happened in the silence between words which were filled with such a powerful vibration.
We all know that Siri Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru. For most of us, this is what we believe. Yet, if we are honest, it is too often a concept rather than a reality.