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The Sikh Museum Initiative launched its Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition on Wednesday 21 March 2024 at Leicester Adult Education. Attendees came from across the UK to view over 100 pieces of artworks by talented local, national and international artists. From paintings, poetry, 3D printed material, Phulkari’s (traditional Punjab textiles) and some especially commissioned items. The exhibition will also feature a series of events which allow visitors to engage with the artworks and let them evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and inspire conversations.

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The proceedings were commenced by Kartar Singh, General Secretary of the Sikh Museum Initiative, who gave an overview of the world reaching heritage projects that the team has worked on. This was followed by Kerry Gray from the Leicester Adult College, stating she was pleased to see such a vibrant exhibition at the premises, and noting that the 2018 Sikh Art exhibition, which was also run by the Sikh Museum Initiative, was one of the most popular they had hosted at the college. 

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School children from Falcons Primary School were presented with a certificate of excellence to highlight their contribution of artworks to the exhibition. Head Teacher Jasbir Mann explained how hard the children worked to get the pieces ready. 

Historian and Director of the Sikh Museum Initiative, Gurinder Singh Mann, stated” 

The exhibition showcases a diverse range of artwork covering themes from the religious, philosophical, to the abstract. The exhibition whilst from a Sikh perspective will appeal to people from all walks of life”. 

The exhibition was opened with the cutting of a ribbon by Cllr. Manjula Sood and Sukhnoor Kaur from Falcons Primary School. The exhibition is particularly poignant as it is taking part during April, when the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi is celebrated. 

In attendance at the launch were Leicester City Councilors, representatives from Gurdwaras and Claudia Webbe M.P. Many artists had travelled from across the country including London, Leeds, and Birmingham. The attendees were served with samosas and spring rolls with the event filmed by Punjab2000 and the Sikh Channel. 

This community exhibition is a great family-friendly one, with the opportunity for members of the public to explore the artworks further through additional events taking place over the next few weeks. It runs from 21 March to 30 May 2024 at Leicester Adult Education. More details can be see seen on the website here.


Website: www.sikhmuseum.org.uk
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